Sarajevo 1984 Olympic Games Bobsled track graffitti

Trebevic Mountain and Sarajevo Olympics Bobsleigh Track: Best Scenic Sarajevo Running Route

This article describes a scenic 9 mile / 16km running route up Trebević Mountain near Sarajevo. The trail has 1968 feet/ 600m elevation gain, however, rewards you with stunning views of Sarajevo and a chance to visit the now-abandoned Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics bobsled track. You can even run on the track.

Hipica Nueva Atalaya dressage arena

Review of Hipico Nueva Atalaya Stables: Probably the Best Horse Riding Experience in the North of Tenerife

This is a review of the Centro Hipico Nueva Atalaya Stables near La Laguna in Tenerife. I did horse riding there during the 2022-2023 school year. This stable offers a variety of different services including lessons for all levels of riders, a cafe for parents to relax and a small, but well-stocked equestrian shop.

Anaga TF-5 trail - Chamorga Igueste San Andres - Panorama of Anaga mountains from the ridge walk

TF-5 Chamorga – Igueste San Andres Trail Guide: Possibly the Longest Ridge Walk in Anaga

The TF-5 trail has one of the longest ridge walks in the whole of Anaga Rural Park. The trail starts in the Chamorga village, which is the trailhead of the popular TF-6 trail. In addition to the ridge walk, the TF-5 trail takes you through several villages, through a laurel forest. It is a lovely trail that’s not too hard and is suited for children and older hikers.

Anaga mountains when nearing Playa del Tamadite on the TF-8 circular trail

TF-8 Afur Village Circular Trail Guide: Most Popular And Possibly The Best Anaga Hike

There’s a reason why the TF-8 is the most popular and probably the best of all Anaga hiking trails by popular judgment. No other trail offers such a balanced cross-section of everything the nature park has to offer – scenic views, villages, ocean walk, diverse flora, visit to Anaga peaks, even a wine-growing region – in one hike.

Pagan mausoleums in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian

Saint Sebastian Catacombs: Tour Review and Tips

While visually impressive by themselves, the Saint Sebastian catacombs’ main ‘selling point’ is that with the help of a highly competent guide the visit will give you a concentrated insight into the inner workings of Roman society two millennia ago at its heyday, including customs, social order, construction methods and much more.

Barranco de Los Arcos canyoning adventure

Barranco de Los Arcos de Chimoche Canyoning – A Top Tenerife Activity for Adventurous Travellers

Canyoning the Barranco de los Arcos de Chimoch (‘barranquismo’ in Spanish) is a must-do activity for adventurous travellers in Tenerife, and you don’t have to be an experienced mountaineer to do it. The canyon is very beautiful even by Tenerife standards, and you are guaranteed to get a nice experience and memories for many years to come.