Best to Worst: All Official Anaga Hiking Trails Ranked

Best to Worst: All Official Anaga Hiking Trails Ranked

This guide to official hiking trails in the Anaga Rural Park provides an overview of all the official trails based on such characteristics as length, “circularity”, difficulty, but also the scenery, suitability for kids, etc. The ranking is based on our personal experience when hiking or running these trails during our family’s stay in Tenerife.

TF-5 Chamorga – Igueste San Andres Trail Guide: Possibly the Longest Ridge Walk in Anaga

TF-5 Chamorga – Igueste San Andres Trail Guide: Possibly the Longest Ridge Walk in Anaga

The TF-5 trail has one of the longest ridge walks in the whole of Anaga Rural Park. The trail starts in the Chamorga village, which is the trailhead of the popular TF-6 trail. In addition to the ridge walk, the TF-5 trail takes you through several villages, through a laurel forest. It is a lovely trail that’s not too hard and is suited for children and older hikers.